Page 18 - uluslararasi-ombudsmanlik-konferansi-eng-v6
P. 18

International Ombudsman Conference 2023

                                         > The Chairperson of the Committee on Equal Opportunity
                                        for Men and Women of the Grand National Assembly
             I n t e r n a t i o n a l   O m b u d s m a n   C o n f e r e n c e   2 0 2 3
                                        Ak Party Edirne Deputy, Ms.Fatma Aksal
            T h e Fu tu re  of H u m a n R ig hts in th e 21st C en tu r y

                                     The Chairperson of the Committee on Equal
                                     Opportunity for Men and Women of the Grand
                                     National Assembly of Türkiye, Ak Party Edirne
               She thanked the       Deputy, Ms.Fatma Aksal delivered her speech
                  Ombudsman          Ak Party Edirne Deputy and Chairperson of the Com-
            Institution for their    mittee on Equal Opportunity for Men and Women Ms.
                work related to      Fatma Aksal thanked the Ombudsman Institution for
              migration and to       their work related to migration and to human tragedy
             human tragedy of        of refugees experienced especially at Edirne Border.
                                     She emphasized that the Ombudsman Institution as-
           refugees experienced      sumed a very important role in releasing the occurring
            especially at Edirne     events to the world public and in preventing human
                       Border.       rights violations.

            Chief Ombudsman Mr. Şeref Malkoç and the Ombudsmen took their places on
            the floor, greeted the guests and introduced themselves. Afterwards, Chief
            Ombudsman Mr Şeref Malkoç invited some of the Ombudsmen who will not deliver
            a speech at the sessions, to take the floor.

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