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Manual On Good Administration Principles

                                           Legal Basis

                   The principle of proportionality has been laid down in Article 13 of the
                   Constitution in the context of the regime of restricting the fundamental
                   rights  and  freedoms.  The  article  explicitly  stipulates  that  “Fundamental
                   rights and freedoms may be restricted only by law and in conformity with
                   the reasons mentioned in the relevant articles of the Constitution without
                   infringing  upon  their  essence.  These  restrictions  shall  not  be  contrary
                   to the letter and spirit of the Constitution and the requirements of the
                   democratic order of the society and the secular republic and the principle
                   of  proportionality.”  Therefore,  it  has  been  ensured  that  administrations
                   cannot  act  in  contradiction  with  the  principle  of  proportionality  in  the
                   restriction of fundamental rights and freedoms.
                   Article  5  of  the  “Law  on  Good  Administration”  attached  to  the
                   Recommendation  CM/Rec(2007)7  of  the  Committee  of  Ministers  to
                   Member States on Good Administration stipulates that “Public authorities
                   shall act in accordance with the principle of proportionality.

                   They  shall  impose  measures  affecting  the  rights  or  interests  of  private
                   persons only where necessary and to the extent required to achieve the
                   aim pursued.

                   When  exercising  their  discretion,  they  shall  maintain  a  proper  balance
                   between  any  adverse  effects  which  their  decision  has  on  the  rights  or
                   interests of private persons and the purpose they pursue.  Any measures
                   taken by them shall not be excessive.”

                   Furthermore, Article 6 titled “Proportionality” of the “European Code of
                   Good Administrative Behaviour” states that “When taking decisions, the
                   official shall ensure that the measures taken are proportional to the aim
                   pursued.  The official shall in particular avoid restricting the rights of the
                   citizens or imposing charges on them, when those restrictions or charges
                   are not in a reasonable relation with the purpose of the action pursued.
                   When taking decisions, the official shall respect the fair balance between
                   the interests of private  persons  and the general public  interest.” This
                   expression touches on the fact that the principle of proportionality is about
                   making a decision that is proportional to the aim and establishing a balance
                   between the general public interest and personal interest.

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