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P. 198

just wanted to talk about the basic points and I hope that I have just
               pictured it effectively. Of course, we have minuses, we have pluses.
               Thank you for listening to me.

               CHAIR: Thank you very much Mr. Benzakour.
               It  is  really  very  important  to  have  different  speakers  here  to  enable
               discussion  of  diverse  experiences  and  you  lucidly  elaborated  on  the
               experiences of Morocco.

               Mr. Benzakour gave us many great examples, in particular, related to the
               Mediterranean experience of yours.

               Now, I would like to give the microphone to the Ombudsman of Crotia.
               Especially, what you are going to say is vital.   Your experiences mean to
               us. Please Mrs. Lora Vıdovic.

          LORA VIDOVIĆ (Ombudsman of Croatia)

               Thank you very much Mr. Moderator and I would like particularly to
               thank the organizers for inviting me for this very important symposium.
               I am really honored to be here and to share experience of my country
               and  my  office  which  was  originally  established  as  the  ombudsman
               office  which  as  we  all  know  traditionally  investigate  legal  violations
               or  cases  of  legal  right  violations  by  public  authorities.  Of  course,
               different ombudsman offices have diversified over the years and as
               we  heard  the  example  from  Latvia  earlier  today  my  country  also  is
               not only ombudsman office and the NHRI (the National Human Rights
               Institution)  with  strong  mandate  in  both  promotion  and  protection
               of  human  rights  but  also  equality  body  and  national  preventive
               mechanism. So there is quite a handful of mandate that we have to
               juggle every day.

               The  UN  General  Assembly  resolution  encourages  ombudsman
               institutions to implement international standards and act as national
               human rights protection mechanisms. And of course that brings me to
               the NHRI as being very similar to the ombudsman in its establishment
               but  also  having  some  of  the  differences.  The  NHRI  just  like  the
               ombudsman office is a part of the state apparatus, it is funded by the
               state, as a rule, accountable to the Parliament just like the Ombudsman
               Office  and  it  is  not  under  the  direct  rule  of  the  government  or  the

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