Page 239 - kdk-sempozyum-3
P. 239
I hope my short introduction could have made you familiar with GIO of
Iran. Thank you for your consideration.
CHAIR: I want to thank Justice Seraj for his comments and thoughts
familiarizing us with the arrangements that prevail in the Iranian
constitutional order concerning the matter of inspection. The topic of his
intervention which is critical for us of course is the ex officio power to
investigate cases and this is something and I like to just say a few things
about because in the power to investigate ex officio is extraordinarily
important power for an ombudsman. Ombudsman which do not have that
power face very often significant constrains in the capacity to be able to
exercise even their independence government. So, it is very essential to be
able to secure in the law the provision that a national ombudsman in fact
is endowed with the power to be able to investigate ex officio. I remember
very well discussing this matter with Chief Ombudsman Ömeroğlu, when
Turkish law was being debated and it is important simply to recall that
where this power is given the ombudsman is better able to fulfil his or her
role as a compliment to the courts and therefore as a strengthening pillar
for the rule of law in particular legal jurisdictions. So, that is why I am
particularly grateful for this topic having being included in the programme
and for Justice Naser Seraj’s contribution. Thank you for that. We are doing
very well, we have plenty of time for discussion, we now come to the fourth 3 rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OMBUDSMAN INSTITUTIONS
topic, allow to me to shift in to French because our speaker prefers French.
Now, I would like to give the Floor to Mr. Gülan. Actually he will be talking
about the relationship between the ombudsman and administration.
This is something really important because ombudsman office is really
important, we need to know all the functions are being carried out in a
correct way and we should know that ombudsman institute has certain
relation with the people I am really happy to give the floor to Mr. Gülan.
PROF. AYDIN GÜLAN (Law School, Istanbul University)
Thank you very much Chair.
Greetings to the guests. I am honored in talking before such privileged
audience as well as national ombudspersons, faculty members,
members of the Council of State and Prof. Diamandouros, who
massively contributed to the field.
16 - 17 September 2015, ANKARA | 237